Harold and the Purple Crayon | Crockett Johnson

It was a terribly frightening dragon. It even frightened Harold. He backed away. His hand holding the purple crayon shook.

Harold and the Purple Crayon 2

Crockett_Johnson_(mid-1960s)Harold and the Purple Crayon
Author : Crockett Johnson
Translate: Ko. Ma. Ko. Elango
Edition: Books For Children, Chennai – First Edition January 2016

Library Reservation

Do you know what Harold did with a purple crayon?

It was not an ordinary crayon – it was a magic crayon. Because, he drew a town with that purple crayon but it was full of windows all over.

Harold is the only one character in this story.

Harold and the Purple Crayon 1

This is a kiddish and ‘not so good and not so bad’ story.

I like the climax because it is so good. You need to read this book at least once.

Surviving Parenthood

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